Bilingual / Multilingual
A selection of our staff attended the events organised by the University of Canterbury discussing ‘Raising Bilingual Children’ and ‘Teaching Bilingual and Multilingual Children’. This was very relevant to us as over half of our school are bilingual (have two languages) or emergent bilingual (have another language, not English) on arrival.
We also teach two languages (English and Māori) in all classrooms. We are finding that students who have English as a second language achieve lower in English initially and for a number of years. However, by the time they leave our school, they are the highest achievers in English and in Māori (their second and third language). Language learning is like a code and the ability you get learning two (or three) strengthens each of those languages because you understand how languages work.
Don’t fall for the; I want my child to learn one language and learn it well. This makes sense in our head but has been disproved and is the opposite of research.
If your first language is English, use those Māori readers at home, get your child to teach you some, and make your way as a family to speaking two languages. I made the journey about four years ago and love speaking Māori to friends and students. I am learning more Sāmoan with some of the students from school because they love to speak it with me. Now that I have one language, I am picking it up so much quicker.
Una had pages of the pros of being bi/multilingual. Get involved and feel free to talk to me if you have any concerns about how your family is going with having two or three languages at home / school.
Please remember to pray this month for loved ones who have passed away. Make it a daily routine for the month. There is a box in the Church where you can put your loved one’s name on it so the community can pray for them as well.
Prizegiving / Mrs Jones’ Farewell
Please keep the date Monday 16th December free 5pm-6.30pm for our Prizegiving. All students and families are requested to attend. Prizes are given out for all ages and it would be a shame to –
1. Miss out on receiving an award; and
2. Not be there to support and celebrate those who do receive an award.
9 Days left!!!!!!!!!!!!
For senior students to finish eight homework challenges (two in each section). I’m sorry, no late finishes will be accepted on the trip or for badges as these need to be ordered and received in a short time span. Please keep in touch with your child’s teacher regarding these.
We still have a lot of students who have not been here. It is free! Go and have a look around!!!!