Reminders :

  • Swimming on Friday 22 Nov  –  all students will need to bring their togs  AND pajamas (or other similar loose-fitting top and bottom clothes) to swimming.Absolutely no onesies to be brought.
    Students will wear togs under their clothes, then take the clothes off in the water.
    Students will have soaking wet clothes by the end of their lesson, so maybe pack an extra bag would be advisable.
  • Chocolate Fundraiser   Years 6, 7 & 8 students.  One more push this weekend to get all your chocolate sold and the proceeds back to the school office on Monday, 25 Nov, if not before.
  • School Photo – Last day to get orders in will be Monday 25 orders need to be returned to the office by Monday, 25 Nov, please.
  • If you have any concerns, please contact the class teacher in the first instance via Seesaw, email or call the office and we can forward the call through 8.30-9am or after 3pm.
  • Please continue to check the Skool Loop calendar for upcoming events.