Nau mai anō
Welcome back to school. Term four is well underway.
Work in the break – We had a busy time over the holidays preparing learning for the term and setting up the learning environment. Room 4 is back in action as a classroom now. As I announced last term, Sarah Hook (Ms Hook) is running this classroom. She has been around our school as a relieving teacher for a while now, more often around in the seniors. The classroom looks amazing and they have some new furniture and a new TV for sharing learning on (not Netflix like someone commented).
Kidsbase – Has moved out and is now in the library in the morning and in Room 7 / Mission Centre in the afternoon.
We had our clock and shapes in the circle outside the office coloured as they were looking pretty faded. We have a few more games coming on the concrete so keep your eyes peeled for these.
Room 5 has new carpet, Room 6 new amazing lights (thanks to Blair Forrester a parent of the school from Forrester Electrical), a new wind shelter put up, and a big clean up in rooms and storerooms are other tasks completed over the break.
Touch Rugby – We have 8 teams this year. We endeavour to do training in school once a week but we also have athletics and other sporting events on at the same time so may not always be possible with the amount of staff experienced in the sport.
Please remember that we play to win and we play for enjoyment. We can ALWAYS do one of these! Please ensure students enjoy it!! It isn’t the NRL. Please remember that students and supporters represent our school and our faith.
Thank you so much to all those helping with teams by doing the substitutions. Last year it was great to see parents all helping where possible. Some bringing oranges for half time, some doing subs, some refereeing etc. Small schools need your help.
Keep an eye on Skool Loop people! It is your go to!
Nā Dallas